最別緻的飾品 捷克手工木製,獨一無二使用有機種植園的木材,愛地球時尚點子無所不在 | ||
售價:3160 我要購買 | ||
【BEWOODEN】捷克 CUBO領結(手作木製) 您應該什麼時候配戴領結呢?答案總是-隨時且永遠。木制領結是最簡單且最新潮的方式讓您與眾不同。Cubo 木領結-選擇由楓木製成領結外型,再運用特殊的雷射技術小心翼翼地將幽默和時尚的圖案刻在木領結上。 When should you wear a bow tie? The answer is always. Forever. The wooden bow tie is the easiest and freshestway to be different. Choose the Cubo wooden bow tie made of maple wood as well as the kooky and stylish pattern that has been carefully added to the wood using a special laser technique. Cubo 木領結是我們的最暢銷款之一!淺色、原作和細緻的圖案意味著這款木製領結特別適合搭配白色的襯衫。為您在特別的日子選擇這個配飾,它輕巧易穿戴,並搭配富極佳彈性和可調節的頸帶,給您最大的舒適性和動力,運用雷射技術將簡單的立體圖案,雕刻至木領結上。Cubo 木領結是一款適合時尚的年輕男士的自然原作,本產品附有精美紙盒。 The Cubo bow tie is one of our bestsellers!The lightly colored, original and detailed pattern on the front of the wooden bow tie means that this wooden bow tie fits especially well with a white dress shirt. Choose this accessory for your special day, as it is light and easy to wear thanks to the elastic and adjustable neck band for maximum comfort and the dynamic yet simple cubical pattern that was added to the wood with a special laser. The Cubo wooden bow tie is a natural product for a stylish young man. The product comes in a beautifully designed and stable paper box. “優雅是唯一永不褪色的美。”奧黛麗赫本 “Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” Audrey Hepburn 每棵樹的獨特性,年輪上註記的生命,是我們產品傳遞的故事。 The uniqueness of each tree, a life writen in rings, a story passed on by our products.
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【BEWOODEN】捷克 CUBO領結(手作木製)該商品熱烈銷售中~ 避免向隅,欲購從速~最近我也在找【BEWOODEN】捷克 CUBO領結(手作木製)的相關資訊~整理了GOOGLE上關於【BEWOODEN】捷克 CUBO領結(手作木製)搜尋前幾名排序的資料來輔助!要到處比價;尋找低價及可靠的網購地方!JAMES是我的好朋友,為人正直又有愛心;JAMES他只會推荐好東西! | ||
【BEWOODEN】捷克 CUBO領結(手作木製) 等好久終於開賣了超讚的啦!網友也都知道在定價和網路售價會有一定的差距,MELISSA也嘗試積極推荐,並介紹我該商品優缺點。MELISSA最近也對這個商品很感興趣,整理資訊大致有分享文、開箱文、試用文、評鑑文、推薦文、是否便宜、優缺點等資訊. |